
Monday, September 10, 2012

reprint of my column in MACUL Journal

Essential Conditions
As we examine what it takes for a school library to work towards achieving Library 2.0 status, it would be helpful to define what Library 2.0 means.  Here's my definition of Library 2.0:
The concept of Library 2.0 is an offshoot of the Web 2.0 ( idea. Most folks agree that Web 1.0 was mostly a web where users were primarily consumers of information, and Web 2.0 provides users access to tools that enable us to become producers, manipulators and re-configurers of information.  Web 2.0 is also a place that allows people to connect to others and work together with others on creating information.

Library 2.0 then is similarly a library environment in which users can not only find and access the information that they need, but also have access to the tools that enable them to become producers, manipulators, and re- configurers of information. It also becomes an environment that encourages and enables collaboration between and among its clients.

People interested in more information about the Library 2.0 concept may want to explore this web site:  Library 2.0: the future of libraries in the digital age .

So using that definition, for a library to become a Library 2.0 library, we need to provide more than just resources in which students and teachers can find information.  We need to provide access to tools for them to produce, manipulate and configure information.  We need to provide spaces and tools for people to connect and work together with information.

Over the course of the next few articles what I'd like to do is examine some of the essential conditions for a school library to become a library 2.0 library using that definition.

It seems to me that the very first essential condition is the culture of the library or media center. A Library 2.0 culture has to come from the librarian / media specialist in charge of the library.  A library 2.0 library is not a place where simply quiet, individual research is going on - although that too has to remain a part of it. It has to be a place where students and teachers are working together and individually on projects, collaborating,  creating documents, presentations, audio and video clips as well as many other types of materials.   The culture of the library has to be one that embraces activity and productivity, and not stereotypically concerned simply about maintaining quiet and preserving materials. This culture has to be fostered by the librarian, but also embraced by the leadership and administration of the school and may mean a change in the entire culture of the school. 

Doug Johnson, one of our featured speakers at the 2012 MACUL Conference has a very thought-provoking blog post about the culture of libraries and technology departments, based on 8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses by Geoffrey James, Inc. April 23, 2012 (via Stephen's Lighthouse).  Here's the link to Doug's blog post:

In addition to changing from a culture of finding information to one of producing and sharing information, a Library 2.0 culture becomes one that moves from a definition of information or knowledge as independent of the learner to a definition of information and knowledge as a result of social and collaborative processes which the learner is involved in.  Thus the culture of the library moves from independent learning of "facts" to collaborative exploration of ideas and creation of new information or ways of understanding that information.

Another good resource you may wish to explore is a new Powerpoint presentation by Thomas Hapke of University Library, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany on Information culture.  Here's a link to that presentation on the blog of Sheila Webber, Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research at the University of Sheffield, UK.

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